Workshop: Digitally mediated experiences

Marți, 7 iunie 2016, la Facultatea de Filosofie, în sala Tudor Vianu, va avea loc workshop-ul Digitally mediated experiences; Interactions, knowledge forms, and ethical dilemmas. Acesta este organizat de către Centrul de Cercetare în Etică Aplicată, Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială și Institutul de Cercetare al Universității din București.



Digitally mediated experiences; Interactions, knowledge forms, and ethical dilemmas


9,30 – 10,00 Guest welcome

10,00 – 10,15 ICUB Social Sciences Section: Introduction Speech


Morning session


Session chair: Cosima Rughiniș & Marian-Gabriel Hâncean


10,15 – 10,45 Laura Grünberg: Gender, bodies and technology

10,45 – 11,15 Ștefania Matei: Dead people as moral agents. How digital technologies of commemoration change the way we die?

11,15 – 11,45 Marian-Gabriel Hâncean: How statistical software packages shape social data manipulation. Visual statistics and social network analysis

11,45 – 12,15 Cosima Rughiniș: Impromptu crowd science: a form of digitally mediated, methodical knowledge

12,15 – 12,45 Coffee break


Afternoon session


Session chair: Radu Uszkai


12,45 – 13,15 Toni Gibea: On the use of smart-drugs in e-sports

13,15 – 13,45 Cristina Voinea, Emilian Mihailov: Morality enhancing apps

13,45 – 14,15 Romina Surugiu, Luminița Roșca: Alternative digital media. Social motivation, professional identity & journalists’ subjectivity

14,15 – 14,45 Radu Uszkai, Emanuel Socaciu: Why types of immersion matter. The curious case of MMORPGs as (potential) experience machines

14,45 – 15,15 Constantin Vică: Hegel, Labor, and the Robots. Why the vanishing of labor is the end of humanity

15,15 – 15,45 Closing discussion



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